Category: Philosophy
Your final exam does not really require any additional work or reading on your p
Your final exam does not really require any additional work or reading on your part. Rather, it’s a chance to reflect on how far you’ve come in your ability to reason, to make and understand arguments, and to address complicated questions with confidence. For only one of the following statements, I want you to provide…
1.Liberty and Freedom: “Conflicts over liberty and freedom are simple to resolve
1.Liberty and Freedom: “Conflicts over liberty and freedom are simple to resolve: A person should be free to do or say anything they choose as long as it does no harm to others.”In asking you to write a DIALECTICAL DIALOGUE, I am asking you to write a conversation between two interlocuters, one of whom begins…
Please write a 2 page essay on the poem by Shelley, Ozymandias. Draw on your kno
Please write a 2 page essay on the poem by Shelley, Ozymandias. Draw on your knowledge to discuss the themes of the poem. Pick out one existential theme and focus on it. I am interested in your experience of the theme. Please cut and paste the essay into the body of an email to me.…
Rough Draft with allot of error Outline of the Term Paper Aristotle is one of
Rough Draft with allot of error Outline of the Term Paper Aristotle is one of the most influential Western philosophers as a teacher to Alexander the Great and a student of Plato. He has spanned most disciplines, from ethics to biology, metaphysics, and politics. Aristotle’s Nicomachean laid out the foundation for virtue ethics, while his…
Answer both questions in the assignment pdf in dialog format ( me- anti me) do n
Answer both questions in the assignment pdf in dialog format ( me- anti me) do not end in anti me. / no fancy references – reference the attached book – message me if anything is unclear
INSTRUCTIONS: Please choose one of the topics below. Write a 2-5 page double spa
INSTRUCTIONS: Please choose one of the topics below. Write a 2-5 page double spaced, typed paper with citations in MLA format. Be sure to answer all of the questions posed in fully explained sentences. You will be graded on: Names, Opinions, Theories, Examples and the reason Why you have your beliefs. MUST USE PHILOSOPHERS FROM…
Why are the human rights considered as foundations of national security? Why is
Why are the human rights considered as foundations of national security? Why is it important to protect them? Provide specific examples. You may use the resources I have added in addition to any other resources you deem fit.
Goals: To demonstrate your understanding of major approaches to ethical theory.
Goals: To demonstrate your understanding of major approaches to ethical theory. To take a philosophical position and defend it. Prompt:: Consider the claim that lying is morally wrong. Analyze this claim from three theoretical viewpoints, including: Hume’s moral philosophy Kant’s deontological ethics Utilitarian ethics For each theory, answer the following: What are the basic tenets…
In essay form, utilizing at least two of the resources listed below, and in 700
In essay form, utilizing at least two of the resources listed below, and in 700 words, please upload a document responding to all of the following: (1) Identify, state, and explain at least two different definitions of person based upon the approved sources. (2) What sort of definitions are they? Real or nominal? Logical, causal,…
In essay form, utilizing at least three of the resources listed below, and in 50
In essay form, utilizing at least three of the resources listed below, and in 500-700 words, please upload a document responding to all of the following: (1) What is action? (2) What is contemplation? (3) What do action and contemplation have to do with leisure? (4) What is the active life? (5) What is the…